Edited books, book chapters and encyclopedia contributions

Edited Books:

Hopmans, J.W., P. Nkedi-Kizza, and O. Wendroth (Guest Editors). 2003. Soil hydrological properties and processes and their variability in space and time. J. of Hydrology, Volume 272, 292 pages.

Anderson, S. E. and J. W. Hopmans. (Editors), 1994. Tomography of soil water root processes. Special Publication Number 36, Soil Science Society of America.

Parlange, M.B., and J.W. Hopmans (Editors), 1999. Vadose Zone Hydrology: Cutting across disciplines, Oxford University Press.

Book Chapter & Encyclopedia Contributions:

20. Harter, T. and J.W. Hopmans. Role of vadose zone flow processes in regional scale hydrology: review, opportunities and challenges. IN: Unsaturated zone modeling: Progress, Challenges and Applications. Eds. R.A. Feddes, G.H. De Rooij, and J.C. van Dam. Kluwer Academic Publs. Dordrect. 2004. Pages. 179-210.

19. Hopmans, J.W. and M. Th. Van Genuchten. 2005. Vadose Zone: Hydrological Processes. IN: Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. (Hillel, D., Ed.). pages 209-216. Elsevier Ltd.

18. Hopmans, J.W., and G.E. Fogg. 2003. Water flow in soils under saturated conditions. Encyclopedia of Water Science. DOI: 10.1081/E-EWS 120010267. P 871-874. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York.

17. Hopmans , J.W., and J.H. Dane. 2003. Water flow in soils under unsaturated conditions.
Encyclopedia of Water Science. DOI: 10.1081/E-EW 120010327. Pg. 875-878. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York.

16. Dane, J.H., J.W. Hopmans, and M. Jalbert. 2002. Hydraulic conductivity. Encyclopedia of Soils. Rattan Lal (Ed.). Pg. 667-670. Marcel Dekker Inc.

15. Hopmans, J.W., and J.H. Dane. 2002. Chapter Physical properties of solid and fluid matrices. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. (EOLSS). Water Sciences and Resources: URL http://greenplanet.eolss.net/MSS/default.htm.

14. Dane, J.H., and J.W. Hopmans. 2002. Chapter Saturation-capillary pressure relationships. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). Water Sciences and Resources URL http://greenplanet.eolss.net/MSS/default.htm.

13. Hopmans, J.W., D.R. Nielsen, and K.L. Bristow. 2002a. How Useful are Small-scale Soil Hydraulic Property Measurements for Large-scale Vadose Zone Modeling. IN, Heat and Mass Transfer in the Natural Environment, The Philip Volume. Editors: D. Smiles, P.A.C. Raats, and A. Warrick. AGU, Geophysical Monograph Series No 129. Pages 247-258.

12. Kosugi, K., J.W. Hopmans and J.H. Dane. 2002. Water Retention and Storage - Parametric Models. IN: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 4. Physical Methods. (J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp, Eds.). Soil Science Society of America Book Series No. 5. Pages 739-758.

11. Hopmans, J.W., J. Simunek, N. Romano, and W. Durner. 2002. Simultaneous determination of water transmission and retention properties. Inverse Methods. IN: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 4. Physical Methods. (J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp, Eds.). Soil Science Society of America Book Series No. 5. Pages 963-1008.

10. Dane, J.H., and J.W. Hopmans. 2002. Soil Water Retention and Storage - Introduction. IN: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 4. Physical Methods. (J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp, Eds.). Soil Science Society of America Book Series No. 5. Pages 671-674.

9. Dane, J.H., J.W. Hopmans, N. Romano, J. Nimmo and K.A. Winfield. 2002. Soil Water Retention and Storage - Laboratory Methods. IN: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 4. Physical Methods. (J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp, Eds.). Soil Science Society of America Book Series No. 5. Pages 675-720.

8. Simunek, J. and J.W. Hopmans. 2002. Parameter optimization and nonlinear fitting. IN Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 4. Physical Methods. (J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp, Eds.). Soil Science Society of America Book Series No. 5. Pages 139-158.

7. Simunek, J. , D. Jacques, J.W. Hopmans, M. Inoue, M. Flury, and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2000. Solute transport during variably-saturated flow – inverse methods. IN: Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 4. Physical Methods. (J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp, Eds.). Soil Science Society of America Book Series No. 5. Pages 1435-1450.

6. Hopmans, J.W., S.O. Eching, and W.W. Wallender. 1999. Soil spatial variability considerations in salt emission and drainage reduction. IN: Crop yield response to deficit irrigation. C. Kirda, P. Moutennet, C. Hera, and D.R. Nielsen (Eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers.

5. Asseng, S., L.A. G. Aylmore, J. S. MacFall, and J.W. Hopmans. 2000. X-ray computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. IN: Root Methods: a Handbook. A.L.Smit, A.G. Bengough, C. Engels, M. van Noordwijk, S. Pellerin, and S.C. van de Geijn (Eds.). Springer. Pages 343-364.

4. Nielsen, D.R., J.W. Hopmans and K. Reichardt. 1998. An emerging technology for scaling field soil water behavior. 1998. IN: Scale Dependence and Scale Invariance in Hydrology (G. Sposito, ed.). Cambridge University Press. Pages 136-166.

3. Hopmans, J.W., J.M.H. Hendrikcx, and J. S. Selker, 1999. Emerging measurement techniques for vadose zone characterization. Pages 279-316. IN: Vadose Zone Hydrology: Cutting Across Disciplines. Oxford University Press.

2. Bali, K., M.E. Grismer and J. W. Hopmans. 1996. Outflow methods for evaluating the soil hydraulic relationships between NAPL pressure data in porous media. IN: Volatile Organic Compounds in the Environment. (Wungeng Wang, Jerald L. Schnoor and Jon Doi , eds.), ASTM STP 1261: 105-118.

1. Hopmans, J. W. 1993. Scaling applications in soil characterization. In: Indirect Methods for Estimating the Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Soils. p. 539-552. M. Th. van Genuchten and F. L. Ley (eds.). University of California, Riverside.