Zone Hydrology: soil physics, unsaturated flow and transport
processes, contaminant hydrology, x-ray microtomography, plant root-soil
water interactions, parameter optimization of soil and hydrologic properties,
flow and transport modeling, irrigation water management.
The distinction between ground water and the unsaturated zone is usually
made within a hydrologic context that views water as the agent of change
of the subsurface and the main driver for transport of chemicals between
the atmosphere and ground water. This region between the soil surface
and groundwater table, known as the vadose zone, involves a complex array
of time-dependent nonlinear physical, chemical and biological processes,
including interactions with ground water and the atmosphere. The soil
is the most upper part of the vadose zone, subject to fluctuations in
water and chemical content by infiltration and leaching, water uptake
by plant roots, and evaporation from the soil surface. It is the most
dynamic part of the subsurface, as changes occur at increasingly smaller
time and spatial scales when moving from the groundwater table towards
the soil surface. The vadose zone may extend much deeper than the surficial
soil layer and includes unsaturated rock formations and alluvial materials
to depths of 100 m or more. In the last few decades, research interests
in the deeper vadose zone have increased dramatically, instigated by a
need to sustain quality of groundwater and maintain adequate resources
for drinking water and ecological purposes.
A unique aspect of my research is the broad scope, ranging over many
scales of observation (microns to ~100 meters) and involves cutting edge
investigation not only through field and laboratory studies but also through
model development and applications. I am always interested in graduate
students and research collaborations. For more information download the
following review paper:
Hopmans, J.W. and M. Th. Van Genuchten. 2005. Vadose
Zone: Hydrological Processes. IN: Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment.
(Hillel, D., Ed.). pages 209-216. Elsevier Ltd. DOWNLOAD:
Curriculum Vitae